I just thought about it randomly so I'm writing this down
This happened 1 year ago, one of my friend was a fan of this boy group (I won't say the name), and she asked me to help her with the ticketing. Me and her went to the PC bang and started ticketing (I'm not a fan of male idols, I just did it...
Yesterday, during Run BTS, he was playing games and his game window closed. If it was me, the first words I would say would be "f*ck", but Kim Taehyung just opened his eyes f*cking big and was like "it closed!!"... I was so dumbfounded. Kim-bear...
Naejangtang fansite master (T/N: naejangtang = intestine soup) is known for having unedited pictures
These are the idols who survived their merciless non-edited pictures...
Astro Cha Eunwoo...
Why do people look down on them so severely? They have been awarded constantly and even last year, they won the Daesang. This time, they sold over a million copies of their albums, their results on the charts were good and they have a considerable amount of views for their Going Seventeen but why do...