Friday, August 12, 2016

[enter-talk] VIXX'S COMEBACK

[enter-talk] WOW LOOK AT VIXX'S CORDI The concept is Hades and they're wearing harnesses.. Crazy The cordi was a work of God...

[naver] AGE OF YOUTH

Kkuljaem will probably translate these articles better than us so please visit her website too! ^^ [naver] 'AGE OF YOUTH' PARK HYESOO, SEATED OR STOOD UP, SHE ONLY THINKS OF SHIN HYUNSOO "TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM"...


I'm another group's fan, so I don't see Dongwoo like the fans see him but still isn't he really handsome? He's not as handsome as L, but he's charmingly handsome like Sunggyu? Like the type that the more you look at, the handsomer he gets? I've never seen anyone looking like him around me, so I find...

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