but still isn't he really handsome? He's not as handsome as L, but he's charmingly handsome like Sunggyu? Like the type that the more you look at, the handsomer he gets?
I've never seen anyone looking like him around me, so I find him very peculiar
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2016.08.12 02:17
- There's not a single hairstyle that Dongwoo cannot pull off. Blond, silver, black-blue, pink, red, etc. He's also always smiling, so he's nice to look at. Whenever I see him laugh, it makes my mood better
- 1060
- ㅇㅇ 2016.08.12 01:50
- His heart is also prettyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- 1020
- "I'm a frequent go-er of Hanshin Pocha (Restaurant) in HongdaeㅋㅋThere were 2 people sitting behind Dongwoo who splattered their Soju on him, the waiter came to clean up the mess and brought a broom, but he said that he wants to clean it himself so the waiter gave him the broomㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHe's freaking kind... I also saw Sungjong this week too"
- 0 2016.08.12 03:11
- Jang Dongwoo has such a nice energy on stage, he's also very handsome ha.. I just wished he'd stop losing so much weightㅡㅠBoohㅜㅠ
- 1000
- ㅇㅇ 2016.08.12 02:45
- He's always smiling and he's also positive. He says a lot of nice things, but when he's focused, he looks even cooler and he's handsome to boot ㅎㅎ
- 570