Sunday, June 5, 2016

[enter-talk] DREAM CONCERT PART 2

[enter-talk] DREAM CONCERT'S BEST LIVE PERFORMANCES WERE BTOB AND NAM WOOHYUN Personally, I think that BTOB and Nam Woohyun sang the best live I knew that BTOB are originally really good But when Nam Woohyun sang his hidden track and 2 songs on top of that I wet my pants... +BTOB and Nam Woohyun were...

[enter-talk] DREAM CONCERT PART 1

[enter-talk] THIS IS SERIOUSLY THE MOST DAEBAK FANDOM Look at EXO-Ls light sticks And this is Dream concert's votes (poster asking who you'll support) The group that carried the dream concert.. post response: [+837][-134] original post: here ㅇㅇ |2016.06.05 10:59  None...

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