[naver] "SCULPTURE FLOWER BOY".... JO IN SUNG NEXT TO A FOREIGN MODEL, VISUAL EXPLOSION Posted on December 30, 2015 post response: +353 post response: here tjsg****11시간 전신고 let's be honest, isn't the foreigner winning? 공감7253비공감456 ghan****11시간 전신고 foreigner model force, he's even able to turn Jo in Sung into an octopus with his face size.. 공감4425비공감175 rokc****11시간 전신고 that's why people always go "Westerners are this and that"ㅋㅋtheir proportions K.Oed us 공감2892비공감135 upgr****11시간 전신고 when he's with the foreigner he looks like Choi Yang Rakㅠㅠ 공감2626비공감169 sens****11시간 전신고 In Sung Hyung is turning into an octopus.. 공감1718비공감83 mun4****11시간 전신고 I wanna take In Sung's side but..I can't help but wonder who the foreigner guy isㅠㅠ 공감1019비공감23 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook