for me it would be Woo Jiho, his rap is on point and his songs are freaking well made
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- ㅇㅇ 2016.05.14 22:05
- Bangtan Jimin, his gap between himself and when he's on stage is so wide, he's so cool and his dancing is pretty to look at
- 237133
- 바나나 2016.05.14 22:05
- Jinyoungie!!!He proved to be a good producer on P101 and his voice color is nice...
- 14131
- ㅇㅇ 2016.05.14 22:41
- Park Jimin, his moves are so pretty when he dances, he expresses the emotions very well and he's freaking cool,, but in real life he's a cry-baby
- 9556
- ㅇㅇ 2016.05.15 13:57
- My brat, dance, rap, singing, he doesn't lack anythingㅠㅠ on top of that, he composes and writes lyrics, he also plays lots of instruments like piano, clarinet, bass, drums, he also trains himself, what can he not doㅠㅠㅠ what he can't do = what he doesn't do....ㅇㅇ
- 7234