Tuesday, October 4, 2016


This time, Jisoo's fancam on Music Bank got a lot of good responses from the muggles. She already has 13K views on her fancam.
Watch fancam here

She's monolid but her eyes are so big

post response: +56
original post: here

1. She's really pretty but not to the point of being acknowledged by muggles. And I still don't know how much of her rumor was true... And not a lot of people know her.. but even so, she's totally pretty

2. Hul but she's really pretty

3. Hul ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why are the comments fighting over who's prettier than who

4. Her face is pretty and her heart is even prettier.. I hope that she won't listen to the people who know nothing about her and that she continues to show us a bright image

5. Oh... she's that person with the weird rumor.. she's pretty... and she has monolids like me... but why do I look....

6. They are no joke in real life, especially Jisoo and Kei. They are the prettiestㅠㅠㅠ

7. I think that she'll look prettier if her foundation was her shade. It's too white

8. Seriously so pretty... Monolids are not my type but Jisoo is

9. Really pretty

10. I think that she's stuck with a bad image because of that rumor... but she's pretty. I think that this is her best styling so far

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