Saturday, October 22, 2016

[instiz] TOP10 CANDIDATES FOR MMA 2016

This is the current ranking, the ranking is done through votes (you have until Nov. 13th to vote)
Image result for MMA 2016 melon
(t/n: you can look at the top here by the time we've translated the article the ranking already changed ^^ currently, B2ST are 3rd place)

1. EXO

2. BTS

3. Twice

4. IOI

5. B2ST

6. RV

7. Mamamoo

8. Taeyeon

9. Gfriend

10. Jung Eunji

11. Winner

12. WG

13. Black Pink

14. Im Changjung

15. MC the Max

16. Sistar

17. Lee Hi

18. Ha Hyunwoo

18. Crush

19. Red Planet

20. Akmu

21. Urban Zakarpa

22. Zico

23. 10cm

24. Psy

25. Bewhy

26. Dean

27. Kim Nayoung

post response: +3

original post: here

1. Oh! Red Planet!!!

2. There's no infinite...

3. Taeyeonie!! I'll work hard on voting Our kid worked so hard this year, she must receive an award

4. Why isn't Infinite there?

5. Bangtan!! I'll work hard on voting!!!!! I just came from voting...

6. Wow Gfriend are still rookies and they're ranked to high already, amazing...

7. EXO fighting!!! Let's be #1 on voting!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 

8. No Infinite and no Seventeen

9. Twice fighting!

10. There's no Park Hyoshin?

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