post response: +64
original post: here
EDIT: OK GUYS, the news is from TMZ so it's basically really likely (99.99%) to be fake XD

1. [+1946, -58]
I don't care about a kid like that
2. [+1164, -51]
Taylor is an attention seeker, no need to care about her
3. [+720, -38]
This is someone else's love life and they can do whatever they want but humanely, it's disrespectful to their ex-partner... they must be wondering if they even loved them in the first place
4. [+578, -19]
The world over there is seriously something....
5. [+379, -19]
Both of them broke up recently. One with Tom, the other with Rihanna
6. [+82, -3]
Taylor's never single.. As soon as she breaks up, she finds someone, there's no end
7. [+56, -3]
What the... we live in a world full of animals