Today, I received my rejection notice from the last place I applied to...
Ha.... I haven't even told my parents yet...
What can I tell them..ㅠㅠ
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2016.10.19 22:45
- Hul I wrote it at 2 places but I failed in both and already forgot about it ㅋㅋㅋforgetting about it is the best
- 1013
- ㅇㅇ 2016.10.19 23:05
- Look at the best replies telling that her life is over because she failed an exam. Does one raise their child to kill them? (T/N: the comment got downvoted)
- 852
- ㅇㅇ 2016.10.19 22:56
- I wrote 10 exams and failed them all. I feel that my 19 years of life has been crushed down so I understand you. But really, don't listen to anyone (I'm just telling you from my own story), just do you. If you want to study one year to retake the exam, do you. Grades always go up and down but you can't have regrets about it. It's ok to have courage and do the exam again
- 413
- ㅇㅇ 2016.10.19 22:56
- Your life is not over because you failed this time. Do you know how bright your future is? The days ahead will be much better so don't get discouraged. When I failed my entrance exam, me too I thought that my life was over but it's really not the case. Right now, just remember how many people are cheering for you. I know that it is painful at the moment but as time passes, there will be new days and better days that await for you. Remember that there are still lots of opportunities, it's your choice to wake up and choose this mindset
- 270