Right now the weather is so nice! So when school ends, I take a lot of pictures on my way back and they come all pretty niceㅎㅅㅎ Let's share pictures among ourselves ...<3
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지나가는1인 | 2017.04.12 17:26 신고하기
Mulgeum station
추천 43
반대 0
G | 2017.04.12 13:53 신고하기
추천 41
반대 0
ㅇㅇㅇㅇ | 2017.04.12 15:04 신고하기
I just took this at the metro right now~
추천 28
반대 0
ㄷㄷ | 2017.04.12 18:47 신고하기
I wish that the flowers would bloom for a long time
추천 18
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ㅡㅡ | 2017.04.12 16:30 신고하기
Everyone is uploading pictures of cherry blossoms but this spring flower bloomed even earlier, the apricot blossoms
추천 16
반대 33
뀨 | 2017.04.12 23:06 신고하기
I took this at Konkuk Universityㅋ.ㅋ
추천 15
반대 0
단비볼 | 2017.04.12 20:41 신고하기
추천 13
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봄봄 | 2017.04.12 20:57 신고하기
추천 9
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