post response:
ㅇㅇ | 2017.10.31 22:56 신고하기
It felt like a peanut
추천 163
반대 2
ㅇㅇ | 2017.11.01 08:14 신고하기
It was fun, but also not fun
추천 113
반대 4
ㅇㅇ | 2017.10.31 23:08 신고하기
It was the year that I had the biggest ups and downs!!! Every time I had a genuinely happy moment, there was something really hard that hit and once I realize that I'm happy again, something hard hits again
추천 109
반대 1
ㅎㅎ | 2017.11.01 09:42 신고하기
It looked like we were together, but we'll not see each other again ~~
추천 50
반대 1
ㅇㅇ | 2017.11.01 18:37 신고하기
The worst. It was the worst year of my life
추천 30
반대 0
힣 | 2017.11.01 09:00 신고하기
The most boring year
추천 30
반대 1
ㅇㅇ | 2017.11.01 08:15 신고하기
IT was just blank, I had a lot of close friends, and we didn't fight at all, yet it was still just blank
추천 27
반대 1
YO | 2017.11.01 17:43 신고하기
Produce's birth and death
추천 24
반대 5