JB (26) Mark (26) Jackson (25)
Jinyoung (25) Youngjae (23) Bambam (22) Yugyeom (22)
Although they have 3 foreigners and members who haven't trained for even a year, they still take care of each other and look super close
GOT7 let's be healthy in 2018 too!♡♡♡♡♡♡
post response:
original post: here
- 엄마새 2018.01.28 22:23
- Mark said that they made necklaces based on their names and wear it all the time to show their teamwork, why is no one mentioning their friendship necklace~~ㅋㅋㅋ
- 531
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.28 21:50
- During GOT7's concert, JB hurt his waist so he couldn't participate, but he still appeared at the end to greet, but Jackson was worried and told him not to bend his waist and there was a gif about it.. Jackson posted this on his own IG ---------------------------------- Our lovely leader, the best leader JB hyung. Don't be scared and don't worry. You'll get better in no time. You'll be fine. No matter what happens hyung is next to us. We'll protect you. Rest well, we love you so much hyung -------GOT7 I love youㅠㅠ
- 480
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.28 22:14
- There are 3 foreigners from GOT7, one American, one from HK and one from Thailand. When they trained, they couldn't speak any Korean so they couldn't communicate well. They didn't know when they would stop being trainees, and got a lot of competition and stress, they also got mixed with people who had different cultures and different languages. It must've been so troublesome. They mentioned how much they fought and how hard it was. But now even if they don't talk to each other they know what's on their minds, they really became family
- 251