Monday, November 15, 2021


Why must they put female dancers on the stage? Because of HYBE's stage, Twitter is in shambles

post response:
original post: here

1. [+369, -4]
Hybe? That's just one of their labels.. This is straight up Pledis

2. [+250, -2]
If you've been a fan of Seventeen for a long time, you'd know that whenever they're using female bakcdancers out of the blue recently, they're always bound to disappoint. They never had any female backdancers before and they would use their brains to create an unique atmosphere where everyone could enjoy, but ever since last year, they started having female backdancers, they also started touching their bodies in the choreography, it's just a completely different atmosphere and I can understand why people are repulsed by it, but it's not HYBE's faultㅋㅋ ..Who do you think agreed to it? Of course the members

3. [+160, -14]
What's controversial about this.. ? How is this looking down on women? How do you guys view female-male dances until now??

4. [+128, -3]
Sorry but they've been doing performances like that with women even before they entered HYBE

5. [+107, -6]
When they're doing well, it's thanks to Seventeen, when they're doing bad, it's HYBE's fault


Even when they're selling millions of albums, I still don't have the feeling they're succeeding

But why?

post response:
original post: here

1. [+438, -77]
Carats, let's have an attendance check, vote up if you're Carat

2. [+250, -14]
It's true that Seventeen's fandom is big, but for the group to make a bigger impression with their popularity, they need good digital results

3. [+246, -19]
If you want to have more presence with your popularity, you need to do well in digital sales. Just look at Twice, they were in their career high for the first week sales and now, they're going down with their digital sales, so people have the impresison that they've failed. And look at Brave Girls, despite having a small fandom, they're doing well in the charts with Rollin and people think they're freaking succeeding

4. [+132, -13]
When I look at posts like that, I can understand why people consider them unpopular.. Usually whenever posts like those are tackled, people speak so harshly towards each other and the fandom end up ganging up against everyone and the fights are a mess, but when I read posts like that, I realize that Carats are such a quiet fandom and they're just going to not feed the trolls. Their feelings are probably hurt, but they rather hold back on mean comments and just sort it out among the fandom. They have that 'as long as we do our things well' mindset, so their fandoms don't really get offended easily.. So you can say that although they don't have much presence, their fandom is silently growing.. Whenever Seventeen gets into a controversy, the reason why people let it slide easily is also thanks to the fandom.. I'm actually another group's fan, and I really wish that our fandom can f*cking learn from them on PANN too. They always piss me off with the way they gang up on posts here. No but f*ck all the fandoms who gang up against other fandoms and are considered big just because of the mess they're able to create

5. [+86, -10]
Aside from Bangtan, are there really any groups considered successful? 

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