Monday, January 12, 2015

[instiz] UNEXPECTED IDOL FRIENDS (L & Hyuna & Zico)

The fan asked which member would Zico suggest that will look good with her
and he responded "with L"

during infinite interview for <this is infinite>, the interviewer asked Sungyeol
"apparently you still keep your monkey in you agency, do you still raise it well?"
Sungyeol: I liked Dragonball since I was young, Sangoku was a cool person who would rescue many people and he looked like a monkey so i have this romanticized image of them.(laugh) A while ago, I had an individual schedule, so i called L and he sent me a picture of Hyuna-ssi's stage with a monkey.

L and Hyuna took a picture with the monkey and sent to Sungyeol while he was away
Hyuna's fans said that if Hyuna was very friendly indeed

Hyuna featuring Zico, they're also very friendly

are they friends or not? they all look friendly together
92 friends line


hul...imagine the 3 of them taking a picture together....
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:19
in the meantime i was only looking at Hyuna's legs ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:19
L(엘)  김명수×나
hul they're all friends? hul 모바일
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:20
정인성  94 - 데뷔하자
wow the 3 of them are all pretty and handsome friendsㅠㅠㅠ
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:21

귀여운아이  인피니트와 삼둥이에게 인생배팅
i knew about Zico and L but not Hyuna....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋinclude me too...i'm sneaking in the 92 lineㅋㅋㅋㅋ
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:22

i'll wet my pants if the 3 of them were togetherㅋㅋㅋㅋ 모바일
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:23
Lovey  러비러빗
ㅋㅋZico and Hyuna look cute together
답글    스크랩     l 2개월 전  11:23

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