seriously, Am I the only one flustered?
post response:
original post:
- ㅇㅇ 2015.01.15 00:19
- but why are the girls in this school wearing their skirt so short?
- 21626
- 올ㅋ 2015.01.14 19:56
- He looks like the class presidentㅋㅋbut he's handsome...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠah why is there no one who look like him in our school's teachers..
- 1876
- ㅇㅇ 2015.01.15 00:10
- I'm from Busan Miyong high school (beauty highschool) and you're expected to wear your skirt and hair like that, why are you guys so surprised
- 1527
- ㅇㅇ 2015.01.15 01:14
- I'm from Busan Miyong, when i take the bus, you can see everyone with dyed hair and short skirts ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 505
- 이분정교사 2015.01.15 00:55
- that teacher is in charge of make up in Busan Miyong high school
- 490
- 뀨 2015.01.15 08:29
- I know some kids from this school and they're all delinquents whose got flunked out from school. they're standing right in the middle of the worst from the worst. There are guys drinking and laughing at each others all the timeㅎㅎBusan Miyong school is just a house full of rebelsㅎㅎ
- 485
- 고2 2015.01.15 00:25
- girls watch your skirt ; I'm a man who's a teen like you and I'm frowning at this. It's better to wear your skirt down to your knees. If you're wearing that short, you're only attracting those inexperienced brainless guys. Learn from guys who are in 3rd year high school like us who oppose to girls like you. Me too when I was inexperienced, I used to like girls in short skirt ..
- 2647