vote up Hani vote down Yura
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original post:
- ㅇㅇ 2015.02.13 06:41
- this is my reality
- 890
- 니니lover 2015.02.13 03:27
- I seriously hate Girlsday but proportion wise isn't Yura the best..? her legs are long and her calves are thin ㅋㅋ for the lower body, Yura cuz she has a thick pelvis but up to the shoulders, it's Hani ㅎ ah whatever whatever, I'm envious of bothㅜㅜ
- 478
- ㅇ 2015.02.13 06:23
- I knew that Hani had a good body when she's on stage dancing, but I looked her up on weekly idol she has legs gap and her shoulders are large.. But seriously because she has breasts and her pelvis is large, it's obviously Yura .. Hani is amazing from the fancam, but Yura is just as amazing
- 4616
- ㄴㅇㅇ 2015.02.13 05:03
- If you're looking for the overall, it's Yura bb
- 183
- ㅇ 2015.02.13 07:36
- I like both but Yura is voluptuous ㅎ
- 121
- 11 2015.02.13 07:47
- there's no people who can win over Yura's body..
- 114