to Mino, Zico is the dad and Park Kyung is the mom..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅇㅇ |2015.02.06 20:05
both of them will be the beeeeeeeeeeest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
위너미노 |2015.02.07 03:16
since his underground days, Mino was already leaning on Ziaco!!to Jiho, Mino was like his son, their relationship was so close and they're friends with each other. BlockB definitely managed A team's public relations during Win, Winner are not the only one who are thankful, but inner circles are really thankful tooㅠㅠ when Winner won on the final battle, Zico congratulated them and said he was proud , he said that it was because he's so talented and I'm thankful for him. When I saw that, I knew how much Zico was putting his faith in Mino.. When Zico saw how hard Mino cried after, he cried too ㅎㅎ.. I'm writing this on the behave of Inner circles and BBC's because we share the same thoughts.. Thank you BBC and BlockB for always supporting and backing Winner up♥ ah right! I watched Zico on unpretty rapstar, he was good!! With Mino, they're like fools and jokers normally but once they're at work, they're so sexy ..★☆ The OP wanted to pit them against each other, but sorry for writing such a warm post^^....!!