Sunday, March 15, 2015


I'm an inspirit...

a while ago I was looking at pann,
I saw that Infinite's back was related to Sewol ferry

(T/n: when she searched infinite, there was "infinite back Sewol ferry" in the related search)

(t/n: fan talks about the mv and lyrics analysis of Back.
the composer said that he didn't intend to make a reference like that
the OP claims that you can hear wave sounds and cryings for help
she also says that the MV and the styling had connotations with Sewol too)

(the OP continues saying how infinite's MV always have meanings in them
(like BTD and Destiny)

when she listened to the lyrics she found other evidences:
the message was "save me, help me, if not, don't forget me"
the public normally think that it's because of "that girl" but the OP thinks that it was "that event" instead.

the lyrics goes one saying
"save me, remember me"
can be seen as the casualties that happened... 

"the spring day has passed" 
the Sewol incident happened during April, 
so they could've been referring to that spring...

and at the beginning of the song, there's wave sounds

the OP continues to say that the MV was ironic because they were fighting from the beginning to the end without any results

and when the MV released, Myungsoo's tattoo appeared)

(the index looks like the Sewol ribbon
when they were promoting the song, we saw them a lot with the Sewol ribbon too
on their phone case and as bracelets)

(Sungjeong's umbrella was yellow, like the ones used to commemorate Sewol)

(Dongwoo's hair was in ribbon too)

(Sunggyu and Sungjong's shaved sides crosses represents embedded memories)

(Myungsoo's blonde hair = beginning of hope)

I got goosebumps when I listened to the song with earphones on
knowing the lyrics' meanings with the wave sounds

and in the MV, Sunggyu was treating the girl dongsaeng like a family member
and they were trying to save her
all of infinite were trying to fight against the villain

if we see it like this, we can consider the girl as the victim of Sewol
and Infinite represents the nation and the bereaved families

Sunggyu represents the family of the Sewol victims,
Myungsoo represents the oppa that liked her
Myungsoo and Sunggyu can also be seen as close acquaintances
and the rest of the members as the nation weeping?

Last Romeo was supposed to be out on April 28th
but because of the incident.
it came out on May 21st

and Be Back came out on July 28th.....
2 days before 100 days after the Sewol ferry incident

everyone let's not forget about Sewol Ferry, April 16th

post response:

ㅇㅇ |2015.02.02 09:12
Seriously each one of the references seems accurate, I got goosebumps. there's no word that can describe how much I love this song... the lyrics were all about begging us to remember, rescue and help....

ㅇ |2015.02.02 00:31
Seriously if you think over and over about the meanings hidden behind the lyrics, once you relisten the song, it sounds quite sorrowful.. it's definitely a powerful song but somehow they sound desperate too??.. whuohohohoh what to doㅎㅎ..ㅠ
ㅇㅇㅇ |2015.02.02 21:54
Infinite's songs all possess layers under layers of meanings that gives you goosebumps like Back, Last Romeo, paradise, etc when you solve their lyrics and MVs you realize how tangled it isㅇㅇ

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