Tao was in such state throughout Exo's promotion activities
but despite that, he still performed
and he kept saying that he was fine
Tao didn't comment about the Weibo post (T/N: for those who are late, his father said that he was gonna quit!)
but why are you guys already making him the same as the two other traitors?
if you find any proofs, then write a post about it
can't you just wait for Tao's response and the media's response?
were you guys even fans?
post response:
original post: http://pann.nate.com/talk/326864261
- ㄴㄴ 2015.04.23 00:02
- I'm serious, Tao didn't even do anything wrongㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋfrom my point of view, his father was just being selfish in his letter and he wrote his without really understanding him. Tao wanted to promote with Exo but his father opposed. whatever happens, I'm gonna respect Tao's opinion. he didn't even say that he was gonna quit. he missed some treatments so there are a lot of after effect, we don't even know if he's gonna live well afterwards. so first of all, SM should give him proper health care. after IAC, he had to go through a tough schedule, so just leave him alone for a bit
- 516
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.22 23:10
- that's right f*ck, why's everyone saying that he's gonna quit
- 412
- ㅇㅇㄴ 2015.04.23 00:05
- no but you guys really want Tao out? his father is in the process of persuading himㅎah I really want Tao to stay in Exo, please
- 384
- ㄴㄴ 2015.04.23 00:12
- I'd rather Tao not quit, and that he receives proper health care so that there are no bad after effects. in the worst case possible, he's gonna get sicker. even if he quits Exo, I wish that he could at least heal completely. Tao thinks so much about his fans so I'll respect his opinion whatever he does.
- 230
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.23 00:09
- "no, dad. I don't want to disappoint my fans. please don't worry about me. I'll be careful." can't you see those words?...
- 201
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.23 00:03
- he injured his leg but he keeps going out so his leg condition has become so shitty....any parents would be worried if they see their kids doing wushu and injuring themselves like that...
- 200
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.22 23:12
- the individual (T/N: other members) fans' words are way too thoughless
- 160