Monday, May 4, 2015

[enter-talk] I'M A BIT SAD FOR RV'S WENDY

Irene is the one who talks the less in Red Velvet and she has that gloomy voice, but since she's super pretty, they give her the opportunity to MC
Yeri arrived in the middle of nowhere and she's the least competent among RV but since she's pretty, she gets to MC too
Seulgi, Joy and Wendy are the best singers  in the group and they're the most talented so I personally wish they could push them a bit more
But for Seulgi, she appeared with the rookies and had her talent showcased with Irene
but Joy and Wendy didn't get pushed
I think Wendy is being the most mistreated....
Wendy didn't have a single part where she was at the center for Ice  cream cake
during the part where Yeri and Irene were being at the center, she was the one singing at the back
The cameras won't be able to shoot her because it's so hard

post response:

엑셀 |2015.05.04 22:26
I wanna see Seungwan-ie's face when she's singing, I don't wanna hear her voice while other kids are lipsyncing over her ;ㅅ; I really like the 5 members of RV but I wish they filmed the members who are singing when it gets to their partsㅜㅜ

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.04 22:33
I'm another group's fan, even though all of RV are pretty, I personally think that Wendy is the prettiest. Of course, it's my own opinion, but her personalities are very outgoing too. She looks the most hard working when they go on radio shows and on variety. I like her, so I don't understand why they aren't pushing her instead

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.04 22:21
Seriously when we talk about singing, it's Wendy and Seulgi. Since their face are a bit lacking, they push Yeri and Irene instead..

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.04 23:52
Irene debuted a bit later than the others, that's why they're pushing her, but they're really neglecting Wendy, this time, she doesn't even have one center partㅜㅜ Should've at least give her the ending center part. Please give her more reality TV shows or something, Wendy is a celebrity after allㅜㅜ

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.05 00:01
that's true, they only push Irene and Yeri.. At first, Joy was still at the level of Yeri but nowadays, she's been falling behind. Seulgi is in charge of the center of the group  because of her special features, but Wendy is seriously the hard carry; Half of the song is sang by Wendy

ㄷ |2015.05.04 23:13
Wendy is the one who suits this promotion the most, she's the prettiest..

ㅇㅇ |2015.05.04 22:53
I'm another group's fan but I wish they pushed Joy a bit more too! I think that since Yeri entered as the new maknae, Joy lost a bit of her confidence. She looks like she's out of place, it's a shame ㅠㅠ

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