Thursday, May 7, 2015


post response: +636

original post: here

  • Suzy is the prettiest of the prettiest, if you see her in real life, it's no joke
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • 0610****
    she was pretty today tooㅋㅋㅋㅋshe gives a good vibe because she works hard
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • juns****
    jjang prettyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I miss you!
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • chsc****
    pretty Suzy~~~
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • chle****
    too pretty~~~~
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • kimc****
    she must be tired.. look at her double eyelids on one side of her eyesㅜㅜeven if you work, you should rest a bit here and there.. Suzy is F*cking prettyㅠㅠ
    2015.05.07 오후 2:38 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  •  윤보미
    Suzy is pretty and she sang pretty well on Kpopstar?
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • i995****
    seriously lovely, she's on a rise more and more
    2015.05.07 오후 2:38 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • kake****
    Suzy is innocently pretty
    2015.05.07 오후 2:37 모바일에서 작성 | 
  • wrin****
    f*cking pretty .......she was pretty today too...
    2015.05.07 오후 2:38 | 신고
  • alfu****
    exactly the style that guys likeㅋ
    2015.05.07 오후 2:38 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
  • khib****
    she's so tired that her eyes are showing double eyelids
    2015.05.07 오후 2:39 모바일에서 작성 | 신고

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