post response:
original post: here
- ㅅ 2015.05.10 18:23
- how do you even make a guy friend? f*Ck
- 2603
- 눈물 2015.05.10 19:16
- I'm a girl in middle school, I'm going to an all girl school, so there is no such things. please don't make me even more depressed!! Up until now I've never experienced a school with guys and girls!
- 1782
- 1219 2015.05.10 11:48
- I have a really close guy friend, 2 of our acquaintances married each other and we were talking about marriage stuff and i said "ah, if I get married, I wanna cook egg rolls to my husband in the morning" and my friend said "but I hate egg rolls" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋhoo heart attack
- 1757
- 소보루 2015.05.10 02:08
- why can't I write heart fluttering stuff too...?
- 1267
- 네헿 2015.05.10 02:14
- Last year at the end of the semester I really cleared my mind and studied my ass off, I didn't even sleep during class and I slept the best I could during resting time. I would start sleeping by myself, but during resting periods, people always all go crazy. My crush was sitting(?) next to me and there were a lot of people around my crush. And those people kept hitting my desk. Normally, I would wake up, but that day I didn't wake up until I heard the clock sound. I thought "they must've been really careful to not make noise today" but the next day, I heard from my friend that when the other guys started the shake the desk, my crush was trying to hold my desk downㅋㅋㅋ He's part of the soccer team, but when his team called him he couldn't go, now he's my boyfriendㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
- 989
- ㅇ 2015.05.10 02:11
- Because of a certain guy in my class harassing me I was crying. I was in the hallway with other girls and then my crush??? arrived and bent his head down to me and said "what's happening? why is she like that" and tried to go around the other girlsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he then dragged me against a wall so that no one sees me crying and our eyes met, he said "why are you like this?" and kept asking that question. Seriously I thought that I was going to die from my heart beats.
- 611
- 신ㅇ 2015.05.10 18:30
- I'm looking at this while smiling, I'm pathetic..
- 600
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.10 18:04
- I'm going to an all-girl school, f*ck I have nothing to write
- 601