the Chinese fans are finding bullying pictures to spread on the internet now
(t/n: we can't read Chinese so if people in the comment section can translate some of the stuffs, it would be greatly appreciated! ^^)
the comments are all saying how EXO are too harsh and that they're cruel Koreans treating Chinese badly
Tao fans are all agitated
I'm worried for EXO's image in China
source: here
haha..bullying they say...ㅋ.ㅋ
grrr..I have so much things to say about it but I can't
that's the same thing repeating again and again, every time someone quits, there's weird rumors surfacing
I don't see them being bullies in the gifs just joking and playing hard
even from other people's perspective it's still funny and cute gifsㅎㅎㅎㅎthe members always joke around like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sehun and Tao were known to be close, they're joking with each other, that's not bullying
anyone can see that they're just playing around...
there's rumors like this with the Chinese members all the timeㅎㅎ
that's one of the reasons I can't support the members who quit EXO anymore.
that's one of the reasons I can't support the members who quit EXO anymore.