post response: +277
original post: here
1. id45**** [+653/-36]
the songs are all too goodㅠㅠ you guys worked hard
2. ace5**** [+555/-24]
Sentimental is a freaking good song bb
3. wlgu**** [+518/-22]
Winner hit big!
4. sksj**** [+494/-23]
although we waited for a long time, they came
back with such good songs. please promote a lot
and for a long time
5. thgm**** [+508/-28]
the songs are really good, you can trust Winner
6. sudd**** [+167/-9]
personally, Sentimental is jjang. It's already my ringtoneㅋㅋ
7. grov**** [+162/-9]
yup that's right, it's because they are Winner's songs...
they sound very emotional, and even though
the music is not very mainstream sounding,
you still get hooked to their melodies.. the raps and
singing parts are all fairly distributed, and they have good teamwork..
their voice colors are all different so
all the members have individuality.. ^^ they are cool friends..
8. tifh**** [+154/-7]
na jigeum seeeeeeeenchihae~~