T/N: so the OP made an update on her original article so the comments are still the same :P but since a lot of you guys wanted to know what happened, here's the follow up!
First of all, I didn't know that my post would gain so much attentionㅠㅠ I thank you guys so much for all the pretty comments, and you will do well with your crush too~
Before I wrote this update, I took my courage and called him and we talked for around 30 minㅜㅜ
I don't remember well what we said because I was too out of itㅎㅎㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And when we hung up, he said "tomorrow, come out at 8:30 AM" and so we met in the morning and went to school togetherㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ♡
After that (my crush is in another class), my crush walked me to my class and told me "from now on, should we always go together?" and since I really have no sense, and couldn't understand what he meant, and said "Yeah! It would be nice if we could go together!"
and my crush let out a sigh and said "haa, Kim OP, you really have no sense. I just confessed to you now. You didn't even get it"
When I heard that really thought that he meant to go to school togetherㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ(T/N: the OP understood "같이 갈까" in the literal meaning as "let's go together" but her crush meant "let's be together")
So you can expect the kind of conclusionㅎㅎ!
I thank you all for the support and you will succeed with your crush too!! If anything happens in the future, should I make another update?ㅋㅋㅋ