We watched SMTM3 (with Olltii and Cjamm) and got to know Iron. If you didn't watch SMTM3, Iron is a super free spirited rapper (likes reggae, dresses like a hobo, etc.). He was actually one of our favorite contestant. Not so long ago, he got caught in a marijuana scandal. AND THAT DUDE IS ALREADY BACK WITH AN MV LIKE WHUT!!!??? :O
Please watch the MV, it's insane and it basically left us speechless D: (the song's pretty good though)
Translated lyrics:

CR:HAEUN_zzing (might be incomplete :S)
post response: +11
original post: here

1. [+184/-25]
The lyrics are so explicit..
2. [+244/-44]
That was so unfortunate... He could've done well...
3. [+110/-17]
What about his marijuana scandal??
4. [+169/-42]
Hunchul-ah (Iron's real name)... I'm a fan who supports you and was happy about your new song but my feeling of disappointment has still not vanished yet... The general public has a bad image of you and of course I want to protect you but I can't help itㅠㅠ I guess I'll just watch
5. [+70/-14]
The people who are saying that this is the real hiphop and who are praising him, do you find it cool that someone just broke the law?;
6. [+47/-8]
As expected, once a druggie, always a druggie.