post response:
original post: here
- ㅇ 2016.07.05 01:23
- They're trying to copy SNSD once again, last time they copied "into a new world" so are they going for "gee" this time? Glass bead, Me gusta tu and rough all sound the same. They just released this now and they're copying SNSD again? They copied the 2 verses high notes and they tried to copy their military dance but failed
- 172158
- ㅇㅇ 2016.07.05 06:51
- Gfriend fans are all pissed because we say they copied SNSD but they pretend nothing happened when they accuse DIA "on the road" of copying Gfriend...?
- 10323
- ㅇㅇ 2016.07.05 06:03
- I'm neither a Gfriend fan or an SNSD anti but it's bullsh*t to say that Gfriend is plagiarizing SNSD. It's not like all SNSD albums have the "into the new world" concept either. It's not like they followed their concept like "The boys" or anything else. It's not like every concept SNSD did will be representative of them, isn't it way too inclusive? Before there were people accusing of Jisook for stealing Taeyeon's hair and it was bullsh*t just like how people accuse AOA of copying their cheerleading concept, which was also bullsh*t, is there even any hairstyles that Taeyeon hasn't tried before? The song isn't even out yet and people are already saying that they're plagiarizing;
- 3212
- ㅇㅇ 2016.07.05 04:17
- The best replies are nonesenseㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ People are all fighting over 2 verses of a songㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋstop feeding the fire and go sleep
- 277
- 태연is뭔들 2016.07.05 03:59
- Soshi cockroaches are at it againㅋㅋ They're fighting over 2 verses with high notes but there are so many songs like that no? Why are they talking about them pretending to have military danceㅋ
- 2226
- 힝 2016.07.05 06:16
- The best replies are seriously so mean. If you look at yourself in the mirror, you're probably 10x uglier
- 1611
- ㅇㅇ 2016.07.05 00:34
- Doge turned into a ghostㅋㅋㅋ Oh but a ghost would mean that the song will succeed this time
- 132
- ㅇ 2016.07.05 11:00
- I'm a Soshi fan and I don't know what the best replies are trying to achieve~~
- 110