post response: +262

original post: here
1. [+6316, -52]
She wants to go back with her abusive husband... Just raise your child alone
2. [+2892, -52]
Even though she's a bad girl, I hope her pregnancy will be an opportunity for her to grow up and have some responsibilities~
3. [+2379, -87]
Nicole Richie finally woke up after she became a mom, you too it's time to wake up!!
4. [+1917, -69]
I still can't believe that the same Lohan who played her own twin became like this. What was the movie title again?
5. [+1151, -115]
The baby must be so pitiful...
6. [+369, -5]
Her parents are the biggest issues, Lindsay is the pitiful one. Their parents didn't say a word when she wanted to go back with her abusive boyfriend... Normal parents would've told her to not do it
7. [+268, -2]
It's not like she has money issues either, why can't she just raise the child by herself.... Must she go back with him?
8. [+254, -2]
I oppose going back with him.Abuse is a no no. Those habits are hard to fix even though you tie his hands and legs together
9. [+203, -2]
Is it because she's on drugs that her face became that horrible
10. [+193, -5]
If you have Lindsay's wealth, you can raise a child just fine, what's up with going back with an abusive boyfriend