When I was young (3rd grader?), I voluntarily picked up trash when I walked in the streets with thongs and a vinyl bag! It's something that I definitely won't do now..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm still proud of myself though
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2016.08.03 20:41
- My family is poor and I can't afford to go to the academy. I earned money from my week-end part-time job during my middle school years to buy textbooks. I studied very hard and I'm only on my third year of Highschool but my overall grade is 1.04 (T/N: not really sure how grading system works in Korea but that's supposedely considered very good). If I get into Seol National University with a scholarship, I can buy my parents clothes and shoes. My dongsaeng is in grade 6 and he/she never received any allowances but even so, he/she never complained about it. I also want to buy textbooks for my dongsaend, but right now, I have nothing else but the entrance exam... I think that the nicest thing anyone can do is to work hard
- 30013
- ㅇㅇ 2016.08.03 22:25
- There was an ahjumma who collapsed on the streets but the people around were just staring at her. I asked people around people to call the 119 and was thinking of performing CPR on her. I thought "what if she gets worse because of me?", but then I felt that I still needed to give it a try. She lived on after that so I'm proud
- 20 2016.08.03 20:58
- During my 1st grade of middle school, I hung out with a kid that felt left outㅎㅎ I then transferred school and we didn't talk to each other until the end of the entrance exams. Then, that friend contacted me through katalk and said that he/she was truly thankful and that I was his/her inspirationㅎㅎㅎ I was in a good mood all day long
- 670