Since several weeks ago Ji Soo’s leg was hurting so he went to a hospital to get treatment and examinations and the doctor said it might be bone cancer. We went to a larger hospital to get a diagnostic work-up to be sure. The results will be available after the Chuseok holiday but his condition had worsened to the point where he needed painkillers and a wheelchair. In the end, his fever rose close to 40 degrees Celsius (approximately 104 degrees Fahrenheit) so he was admitted to a hospital before the sun rose. People from the hospital hurriedly did a body scan and confirmed that it was acute osteomyelitis thankfully and not cancer upon checking the MRI. Osteomyelitis is also a painful and scary disease but it was less bad news since we had been praying for it to not be cancer. He had a long surgery which ended around 9 p.m. yesterday and I was able to meet him. We have to observe his progress but we are thankful that this is a hardship he can overcome. I am deeply thankful to the medical team who did their best. We are in discussion regarding the current projects he is filming in order to find a solution that causes the least inconvenience. However, we will focus on doing our best to console Ji Soo’s family and take care of Ji Soo so that he can recover. We are sorry to those who were shocked after seeing the news and causing them to worry before the holiday.
I really wish him to recover completely ㅠㅠㅠ
My Jisoo
post response:
original post :here
- ㅇ 2016.09.15 12:16
- Noeul is like this and Jisoo is like that, because they're hitting big, they don't even take care of their health anymore.. Please have a complete recovery and become an even more successful actor
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