age: 21
I'm 21 and I need advice for my current relationsip
We've known each other for about 8 years and then one time he came to my house to visit (he lives in another state) and he asked me if we could try having a relationship. At the time I wasn't too sure of my feelings so I just told him we could try, but since I wouldn't ask someone else out if I wasn't sure of my feelings for them I just thought that maybe he loved me or something...
Later on I visited him and a few days later I asked him if we should make the relationship official (aka going public etc) because I was already sure that I loved him, and he said okay. I have a very hard time telling people that I love them because it makes me feel very vulnerable so I thought long and hard about it until I had the courage to tell him that I love him.
He then acted all surprised and started saying that it was random of me to say that, so I ended up asking him why he asked me out in the first place and he said it was because he liked me but he said that he wasn't ready to say I love you.
(All of this is happening in the span of about 3 months)
So I just got really disappointed in everything because I at least thought he was sure of what he felt for me and it was more than just "like". The thing is that after he tells me he's not ready to say I love you he just keeps sending messages talking about "these days I don't get sad anymore because I only need one reason to be happy and that's YOU"... At this point I just feel like he's just playing with me and wants to have me there waiting for him until he's ready to commit.
Should I break up with him or keep waiting until he's ready?
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