He's too f*cking perfect... He's super tall and his face is f*cking clean looking and handsome. Girls like guys with big hands and his hands are huge. He's also good at acting and his voice is really niceㅠㅠㅠㅠ Yook Sungjae makes me wanna join the fandom so much... He's totally my type.... His head shape and nose make him especially handsome. He's sexy and neat looking... he's really so perfect. His personality is so beagle-like and he's mannerly. On V-app he was singing an old song by Standing Egg and he sang it so well...
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- ㅇㅇ 2016.11.12 20:03
- Even his household, his dad is apparently the CEO of some semiconductor company..
- 1743
Jung Ilhoon was on V-app and called Yook Sungjae and was asking him what he was watchingㅋㅋㅋ And Yook Sungjae replied "I'm watching V-app~!" so Ilhoon thought that he was watching his own V-app and was all happy so he asked him which parts he was watching now and Sungjae replied innocently "I'm watching Blackpink's V-app though?"
As expected from BtoB, their conversations are always fun
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original post: here