All the articles were out on Naver just now, therefore low upvotes :)
post response: +179
original post: here

1. [+391, -39]
The kids were too cute today
2. [+322, -35]
Seriously, let's only walk the flower path ♥♥
3. [+300, -30]
Twice is seriously pretty and they looked cool on stage. Twice fighting
4. [+302, -36]
My heart
5. [+305, -40]
That's a flower gardenㄷㄷㄷ
6. [+125, -5]
You can't miss out on this one, I was jumping in my houseㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+129, -12]
As expected!! Twice were the best this year~~ let's shine more and more next year~~