post response: +41
original post: here

1. [+568, -16]
There were so many back dancers, I had a hard time finding Hyuna
2. [+462, -13]
Hyuna should've worn another color..
3. [+402, -49]
How's my lipsynch??? How?? (T/N: word play with her song "How")
4. [+425, -62]
Should've practiced her lipsynch too. Her mouthing didn't match the lyrics onceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+280, -30]
The song was playing when she was walking and her lips suddenly stopped moving... uhm... that performance was cool you say....
6. [+114, -18]
Let's sing a bit huh? I know that she dances sexy dances well but she's not a rookie anymore and this is a year end performance. How long is she planning to rely on lipsynch