There are a lot of posts about the actions that guys do that are heart
fluttering for the girls so I wanted to reverse that. Of course, don’t write
stuff like “if she’s pretty…” but I’m talking about actions, so please write
seriously ❤
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.02.14 02:15
- Please let only the guys write, let’s not turn this a into women-to-women thing seriously
- 4259
- ㅇ 2017.02.14 02:00
- When… we are… reading a book together…. Slightly lean on him… wear perfume… and tie my hair up….
- 37019
- ㅇ 2017.02.14 01:12
- I’ve never talked to any guys from 3 years now… will I be able to this year?
- 34815
- ㅇㅇ 2017.02.14 01:41
- 95% of the comments here are written by women cosplaying as guysㅋㅋㅋㅋ why would there be so many guys here
- 2833
- ㄹㅇ남자 2017.02.14 01:13
- I seriously had no interest in my crush. Her face is average. But on a random day, I forgot to bring my book and so my crush had to share her book with me. It was a Korean language book and the teacher asked the students to read #11 for the class and then some random kid started reading it. Since the book belongs to my crush, it was closer to her side. But I had difficulty reading the page that was closer to her so she turned the page towards my side and gently pushed to book towards me… her expression… I fell for her.. as soon as I saw her expression.. her profile was too pretty.. I didn’t know that such a trivial action could make me emotional…. But my crush became my girlfriend now…ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
- 27032
- ㅇㅇ 2017.02.14 03:06
- I think that both girls and guys’ hearts flutter at a nice smellㅋㅋ There’s a guy at my academy whom I have no interest in but he has a body wash smell that makes my heart flutter
- 1430
- 울범 2017.02.14 09:51
- I’m a guy and this is the actual stuff that we say among friends 1) most of guys like short girls. I’m not sure about female standards but when guys talk about “short girls”, we usually mean someone who’s 158~165cm?? 7~8 guys out of 10 would like girls with that height, the other 2~3 people prefer girls who are above 170cm. 2) rather than strong perfume, guys prefer the smell of fabric softener/shampoo. If they use perfume, we prefer something more discrete? Something that smells like clean warm cotton. 3) when it comes to long hair vs bob hair, the opinions are very divided so… I can’t really tell you guys which one is better. The people around me are all guys so please don’t think that I’m talking for myself.
- 1005