Wow~~ I acknowledge
Jung Yein’s reflexes!!!!
Ryu Sujeong
was walking cluelessly and almost fell off the stage, but Jung Yein grabbed herㄷㄷㄷㄷ
Jin who was
next to her also grabbed her!! The two of them did so well!!! Good good
When I didn’t
know anything about Lovelyz, I used to always mix her and Seo Jisoo with each
other… but now I can differentiate them!!
Jung Yein
is charming and has cat features too but she also looks a bit like a puppy??
I think
that girls like girls with her image. Someone with a warm and chic image~~~~~
She definitely looks charming
post response:
post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.04.03 18:12
- I think that Myungen was just holding unto Yein’s hand…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ when they were filming their V-app yesterday, and the members were all shouting and telling Sujeong to stop walking but since the fans were making a lot of noise, she couldn’t realize… so Yein went to her rescue… she has good judgement…
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- 경셩린류 2017.04.04 00:30
- Jung Yein looks so good with her black hair this time..ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ She just turned 20 and her maturity is exploding!! Lovelyz jjang!!!
- 80
- ㅇㅇ 2017.04.03 16:36
- As expected, Jungkook has high standards~ (T/N: there are a lot rumors on Pann saying that they are dating)
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