Kim Dohyun: Hyunwoo-yah, your friends still did very good
Sung Hyunwoo: Of course, but still
Kim Dohyun: Then why do you act so sad about it?
Among The Vibe Entertainment's 4 people, Sung Hyunwoo was the only one who left the show. And he was talking about how lonely he was feeling. I wonder if it's because they have zero standards or they're annoyed by him, but it's so sad seeing Hyunwoo 61st. Even in Season 1 they let everyone survive up to 61stㅠㅠ
I will start supporting The Vibe Entertainment ♡
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.05.06 01:43
- I'm feeling like this will slowly become a hot topic, when I saw this scene I thought they lost their minds
- 38918