Moon Chaewon didn't only shocked her fans but also the non-fans with her new eyebrows...
Apparently she did semi-permanent eyebrows tattoo..
Originally, Moon Chaewon was born with cat-ish eyebrows, she used to look so feminine
Now she went for the idols look that all the ulzzang used to have before
those Shinchan eyebrows
When she was shooting Criminal mind she already had those eyebrows
post response:
original post: here
- ㅎ 2017.06.27 23:57
- Her eyebrows are tragic, but her hairstyle is even worse... Why does Moon Chaewon always gets in a dump with her style, can she change the stores she shops at....ㅜ She looks like an ajumma on the first picture why is she like that nowadays..
- 1180
- ㅇㅇ 2017.06.28 00:48
- ㅋㅋㅋ How can you compare these eyebrows to natural eyebrows it's hilarious. Those eyebrows sure do not suit Moon Chaewon. She looked way better with her old eyebrows..
- 702
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