Also, it looks like Bae Jinyoung was the only one to change his center part and did a turn and wave...
It's cute seeing how hard he works
I wish more people would see his skillsㅠㅠ
This was Woojin's cam
And this was Sewoon's cam
This was Haknyeon's cam
On's cam
Hwang Minhyun's cam
And his cam
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.06.15 23:54
- I'm a fan of another trainee but he's impressive. In that short time, he memorized the part of 10 trainees and iI like seeing his passion. His skills definitely improved... anyways, I'm seeing him under a new light... I understand why he's so popular
- 3586
- ㅇㅇzz 2017.06.15 23:54
- Bae Jinyoung is slowly becoming more skilled... I wish that he does well
- 3267