The song is called Kokobop!!
As soon as the song got released
They started trending on the real time searches even hours before the song got released, and it's still trending right now
"Entry #1" "Diamond" "Reclaimed Melon" "Download every single song" "Orient Subak"
"Do Kyungsoo's voice" "Kokobop #1" "B-side tracks" "EXO songs" "Melon radio" "Kaikai"
"Beret Junmyeon" "Watching the MV" "Shining Shining"
Of the 20 trending Twitter tags, 17 are all about EXO
They became the idol who penetrated Melon's charts as #1 the fastest
Melon, Genie, Bugs, Naver music, etc, they're all #1
+Genie line up!!
Number of people listening to their song on Melon: 78,121 people
As I'm writing the post, their song is still climbing the charts
Albums pre-sales 800K sold
It's not only due to Melon, their song is seriously good
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.18 19:57
- EXO Kokobop let's hit daebak~!!!
- 2179
- (number of users listening on Melon: IU is first with Palette, EXO are second with Kokobop)
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.18 19:58
- It's so hard to penetrate the charts as #1 as soon as the digital release is completed, but they did it. They're seriously the fastest male idol groups who've penetrated the charts as #1 the fastest, congrats!
- 21113
- ㅇㅇ 2017.07.18 22:08
- So, where are the people who are always claiming that EXO is surviving only through their fandom??? ㅋㅋㅋ Just looking at how they remained on the charts for such a long time, I can't help but think that the general public were also curious about how the song might sound like so they're listening to it too. You guys just want to deny it... And damn it. By the way I'm another group's fan.
- 1045