CONTEXT: Yerin was told to dance on a hard dance
He's basically dissing all female idols, this is not refreshing, but ignorantㅇㅅㅇ
"What is Kai's appraisal?"
"It didn't look that difficult to be honest"
*Kai is so refreshing*
"I recommend you to work out if you find choreographies difficult"
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.01 01:31
- No idea why this turned into an issue with "Only" Kai
- 35117
- Park Soohong: It's not to the extent where you'll vomit from doing it
- Ji Seokjin: It looks quite comfortable to do
- Yoo Jaesuk: I looked at Yerin ssi overall, I don't know if it's because she can't dance, but her health condition doesn't seem good?
- Park Soohong: Please work out on your muscles
- Yoo Jaesuk: Finally, our solution for you is to do more exercise
- Taemin: But there were lots of details, there were a lot of techniques involved...
- Kai: That's the difference between female and male choreography, since I do male choreography, this seriously doesn't look that hard
- Lizzy: But I don't think you'll be able to pull off Afterschool's choreography
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.01 00:59
- It's not Kai's fault, the other panelists were the ones who first attacked Yerin's conditions and told her to work out. Kai ony said that the dance looked easy, even Gfriend's fans often tell Yerin that she doesn't go full out when she dances
- 28216
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.01 01:01
- Why aren't you guys dragging that panelist who told her to work out instead?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 2467
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.01 01:00
- It's true that male choreographies are harder than female choreographies, Kai is just mentioning this as an explanation and Taemin gave an explanation of the choreography she just did, you should watch the broadcast and see everyone else reacting to herㅋㅋ
- 894
[enter-talk] YERIN IS SUCH A B*TCH
I was watching Happy together and she said that her group's choreographies are harder than existing girl groups' choreographies, Lizzy from Afterschool was sitting right next to her. Is she insinuating that other groups don't have it hard?
Afterschool's Lizzy was so dumbfounded that she replied this way
"But I don't think you'll be able to follow Afterschool's choreography?"
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇ 2017.09.01 04:35
- She's using informal speech here, imagine how the other girl groups sunbae here feltㅡ Yeah so you think you have it hard?
- 44530
- ㅇ 2017.09.01 03:59
- Afterschool members even cried because the pool dance was so hard to do, you really have nothing in that empty brain of yours?
- 41552
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.01 07:05
- But she still said that RV's dances were hard to cover, even though the sunbaes who heard that must've felt sh*tty after..But I don't think you should go as far as calling her a b*ch ㅠㅠ
- 22312
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.01 05:08
- It's nice that she's proud of her own choreographies, but she shouldn't diss other girl group's choreographies;;
- 17911