My boyfriend is 1 year older than me.
When we dated at first (~6 years), I used to fight a lot with him.
When we fought, he would always tell me “I won’t be able to marry you”, so me too, I slowly changed my mind.
I love my boyfriend but we slowly started to ignore each other and our relationship became cold.
I started to care less about him and I stopped getting mad at him too.
Instead, I would suppress my anger by crying alone.
While dating my boyfriend for the first 6 years, I wanted to marry him and give birth and raise a kid in a pretty environment, but since then, I’d rather not be married. (T/N: there’s actually a word in Korean “비혼주의자 (bihon-jueija)” that means “person who does not get married”. It has the same connotation as “vegetarian” but for marriage instead of meat :P)
After the 6 first years, I only said good things to my boyfriend and showed a positive sight of myself. Every time I was annoyed or sad, I would endure it myself. Even when my boyfriend made big mistakes, I would forgive him. I never said anything that he wouldn’t like. After dating for 6 years and fighting, it never happened again and my boyfriend even changed into a warm man.
We went on a trip together and it was a happy time. He then proposed to me.
I rejected him and told him that ever since I started dating him, I became a “bihon-jueija”.
My oppa said that he never expected me to say something like that.
So we just broke up. But it wasn’t awkward at all.
Terminating a 10 years relationship feels so dull..
post response:
original post: here
- 부산처자 2017.10.23 09:56
- I congratulate you for breaking up. Do you know why he asked you to get married? It’s because you forgive all his mistakes, always show him a bright image of yourself and always take in whatever he says. If you guys actually ended up marrying each other, if you only complained a bit about his mistakes, he will have no mercy on you. You made the right choice. Even though you guys ended up on good terms now, you escaped a big hurricane. I hope that you don’t meet him again.
- 2283
- ㅇㅇ 2017.10.23 14:25
- If a girl stops getting mad at you, that’s the end. Looks like the guy wasn’t aware of it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 1703
- 12 2017.10.23 05:24
- You did well. You suffered a lot. I hope that you only date a guy who would talk prettily with you and who would cherish and love you a lot!!
- 1558