Thursday, October 19, 2017


When you get your periods late… do you get this annoyed about everything?? I was first friend with this girl and she became my crush so now we are dating. We seriously never hide anything from each other but my girlfriend recently was so annoyed about everything. She would be super sensitive even at my smallest jokes. She looks so stressed so I was wondering if it had anything to do with her periods? I was worried for her but to be honest, I was getting a bit annoyed too so I asked her about it. But my girlfriend said that she didn’t get her periods yet and that she was worried. She said that all the people around her got theirs except her so she asked her mom about it and they are going to the hospital for a checkup. Is this something that makes girls stressed and sensitive? Since your periods come later than normal, you don’t have cramps and your body feels more comfortable, so isn’t that a good thing? Please don’t curse at me, I’m just curious and I don’t know anything so I’m asking you guys.

post response:

original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.18 20:20 신고하기
Yah… that’s not it. Having them late can make you stressed. I’m also someone who gets her periods late and when all my friends except me have their periods, it makes me think if I’m not growing up properly. Anyways, it’s unobtrusively annoying

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.18 20:38 신고하기
Isn’t it obvious?? Don’t you feel weird and anxious when everyone is undergoing the same changes except you? If I can give  an extreme example, how would you feel if all your guy friends can produce white liquid except you?

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.18 22:36 신고하기
If everyone else got it except me, of course I would be anxious. I would wonder if there’s not anything wrong with my bodyㅇㅇ first of all, if you took care of her, I think that she would like it, such as preparing a hot pack for her or a blanket… things like that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ also, when her periods will come, buy her a cakeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.19 10:14 신고하기
People of different age will react differently… it’s possible that she’s worried if she’s a high schooler… since you’re body is still developing when you’re in middle school so irregularities are normal, once they enter high school, you might feel anxious

ㅇㅇ |2017.10.18 20:53 신고하기
If I had a boyfriend like OP, I think that it would give me a headache…ㅠㅠOP-yah, of course you need to take care of your girlfriend…. She must be so annoyingly anxious over the fact that everyone else except her got her periods….

ㅠㅠ |2017.10.19 15:06 신고하기
Girls are annoyed if they don’t get their periods and when they get their periods

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