It was either a staff or a YMC employee, or Park Woojin, YMC needs to give us a feedback right now...
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.15 19:15
- No but anyone can tell that this is Park Woojin, he wore a dark sweatshirt that day and he wore earrings and a necklace. They're just playing aroundㅋㅋㅋㄴ
- 6435
- ㅇ 2018.01.15 19:50
- Even if they were just joking, this is still problematic. It was in the public and everyone was looking at them. Even though they're just joking around isn't this still violent? Anyways, this is an action that we should fix
- 5684
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.15 17:38
- Who cares about who was the one grabbing the hair, the important thing is that Park Jihoon got his hair pulled
- 5327
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.15 22:26
- If this was an attempt to have people swear at Park Woojin, I'd feel so sorry if I was Park Jihoon. They're the same age, and if you watched Wanna One Go you would know that they both have the tendency to play aggressively
- 313
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.15 21:46
- I'm a Park Jihoon fan, it would've been problematic if this was a YMC staff, but since it's Park Woojin so it's a whole different story. They're best friends so you think that they'd be violent towards each other? They're just playing around, why are we making a big deal out of this
- 214
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.15 21:14
- It was officially confirmed that this was Park Woojin, but they're the same age and it's known that they're best friends. You really think that they'd be recording Wanna One footage in the airport if they weren't joking like that all the time?ㅋㅋ
- 213