post response: +3
original post :here
1. T-ara Jiyeon!!! Her dance lines are so pretty!!
2. They're pretty, good at singing and dancingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ There's nothing they can't do
3. OMGirl's YooA tooㅠㅠ She dances so well..
4. I agree with all, but OMGirl's YooA too, her dance lines are so pretty.. ㅜㅜ
5. I freaking agree with Chungha and Yoojung
6. Momoland's JooE also has pretty dance lines
7. She hasn't debuted yet, but Shin Ryujinㅠㅠ
8. I find Seulgi's dance lines very pretty♡♡♡ Because she has long limbs, when she's dancing it feels like she's making illusions with your eyes
9. Chungha is real
10. I agree with everyone in this post, but I think that Hyuna also dances very well....
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