"fansign event gift review"
Bomi has started Youtube not long ago and she released this video
She was introducing the gifts that she received from fans one by one!
She's been receiving those same plushies for 7 years and she's still thanking them one by one, her heart is so kind
Seriously she could throw those away or give them to donations, but she's keeping them all in her house
She still reads her letters at home
and she said that she'll be releasing an ASMR
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.08.10 23:13
- Apink is a group with a lot of love for their fans.... I understand why they're in the long-run ㅠㅠ
- 777
- ㅇㅇ 2018.08.11 13:13
- People were asking why idols would go on Youtube and Bomi said herself that their vacuum time was getting too long and she wanted to do something for the fans, and she also doesn't put any ads on her videos ㅋㅋㅋ So she's not earning anything from those videos, please learn before judging
- 321