Sunday, October 21, 2018


They haven't given a comeback for 1 year and once they've finally done it, they aren't even pushing itㅋㅋ  There was only ONE teaser out and when they've already been selling tickets for their showcase for 1 month, 2 weeks before the event, out of the blue, they announce that you can only attend the showcase if you buy a Samsung because they're collaborating with themㅋㅋㅋ??? And these facts weren't even published publicly, so there was no way for us to know ㅋㅋㅋ 
They did it f*cking randomly during BOF's rehearsal and released Kokobop and Power's choreography that was overdue for 1 yearㅋㅋ  ;;
How were they able to become a Big3 when they work like f*ckers like that
The essay competition they opened for the official account's birthday is also a bullsh*t, they've never mentioned the fandom's birthday and never RT-ed the member's songs and whenever they post their faces it's always distorted. Because of the official account people are leaving SM's fandom everyday

original post: 
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.20 13:57 신고하기
Every time I read stuff about EXO getting benefits with SM because they're a big3 company, it always make me feel so frustrated. First time seeing a company bury down the path of their artists by themselves ㅋㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.20 21:58 신고하기
ㅎㄹ;; They make it way too obvious that they're treating them unfairly no? Even as another group's fan, I can see that they should be treated like important people with the money they earn, but they're being treated like some average group.. I only really heard about their comeback because EXO's fans were sharing about their logos, but after that, there were just no news anymore

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.20 16:33 신고하기
They're using the showcase to feed their Samsung9 collab, and there was absolutely no official notice about it
"I'm so pissed at Note9. They're taking all the fans for dumba*ses
Buy a Spen with Black or Yellow at random
Only the 128GB
Must use SKT's service
And everything written above with the link to purchase will only be announced on the day of the event and you will need to send a request for it
1,090,000 4500won x 1000 = 1,094,500,000won... They will be making close to 1.1Mㅋㅋㅋ
To pay 1.1M won for such crappy promotions, do you think I will not be pissed off?
ㅇㅇ |2018.10.21 01:16 신고하기
They're only pushing NCT this year so they gave up on all the other plansㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.20 23:06 신고하기
They would've already became hasbeens-SM if not for EXO

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.20 23:52 신고하기
The only thing I'm thankful for SM is the fact that they cast a group like EXO and made it happen

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