In the tape, you could hear Kim Changhwan PD say "If you put your trust in someone, even if they beat you to death, just leave it... Try to get in the newspaper as a celebrity, you guys have no ground to stand on, you f*cker. Who's going to take a f*cking problematic kid (seriously)?"
"You can't bring this up. Your moms and dads will be tormented. They'll be 10x more tormented than right now"

original post: here
1. [+4931, -21]
Does he think that the rest of the members will be fine with this? Do they think that trusting these people, those kids will do well by receiving this kind of education?
2. [+4566 ,-19]
They need to get the proper punishment for this.... They need to receive the punishment for every single one of the acts they did and they need to get a slap from reality, what generation to they think we're living in.... This is just pissing me off so much, how scared those young kids must've been, imagine the torment and the stress...
3. [+2867, -17]
Just thinking about the situation they've put the kids under makes me furious... Even compared to other assault cases this is way too severe
4. [+1044, -432]
If Jang Jayeon is the female version, this is the male version
5. [+671, -68]
Why are grown a*s people beating up kids~~
6. [+487, -2]
Ridiculous to think that even knowing that such recordings exist, the director still goes around calling them out for spreading false information ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
7. [+449, -3]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Defamation of characterㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Yah those kids sacrificed their school days to make music and endured all this ordeal and this ajussi runs around embarrassing himself. Are you still shameless enough to call this defamation of charcter?
8. [+401, -1]
This is child abuse. It's been 4 years already which means they were in middle school? So you're using the excuse that you're abusing them to make them celebrities! Just acknowledge that you used money and force to coerce those kids and the helpless parents!