Friday, October 19, 2018




Lee Suk Chul said, "From 2015 through 2017, I was habitually hit by Yoon Young Il PD with a baseball bat. I was constantly told that if I told my parents, he would kill me. My younger brother [and band member] Lee Seung Hyun was beaten while locked up in a studio on the 5th floor. Fellow member Lee Eun Sung bled many times after being beaten with a bat. The label's chief director Kim Chang Hwan did not prevent these actions, but only commented, 'Go easy'. Director Lee Jung Hyun made us go on broadcasts with our wounds untreated. My younger brother and bassist Lee Seung Hyun is currently receiving psychiatric treatment after developing trauma from these experiences."

Lee Suk Chul added in tears, "Even now, it is difficult as I was threatened with the lives of the other members on the line. I was abused with guitar cables around my neck, getting choked to the point of bruising and scarring if I made mistakes. My parents saw my scars, but I wasn't able to consult them due to the threats."

[Additional testimony from the press conference] "We are people who stand on stage and appear in front of the public. So we thought that it would be wrong to show our scars from the violence and abuse. Just like that, we continued to be beaten in our waiting rooms, and my brother Seung Hyun once had his own food thrown in his face. Even so, we vowed to ourselves to show the public our smiles. We came to these decisions on our own, just us members. Behind the scenes, we were always victims. When I think about how we smiled on stage, it still hurts me and upsets me."

Lee Suk Chul wrapped up his testimony with, "As the leader of The East Light as well as a K-Pop singer, I could not sit and watch any longer, and I decided to attend this press conference today in the hopes that abuse and assault of minors in the K-Pop scene will disappear from here on."

Additionally, Lee Suk Chul addressed his plans to take legal actions against the Media Line Entertainment PD and executives. "Our members as well as our parents asked the label to take preventative measures. The label promised that there would be no more contact [between the band and the PD], but one month later, the the same actions were repeated. I'm not sure how to address the legal action portion currently, as it is difficult for me to give a statement regarding the other members. However, in the case that I must participate in legal investigations, I will do my best." Lee Suk Chul's lawyer then stepped forward to reveal, "Currently, Lee Suk Chul and [younger brother] Lee Seung Hyun are preparing to take legal action against the company. Their parents have been preparing for it for over two weeks. Because the other members are still minors, we are taking precautions in discussing this matter with them."

Yesterday, Media Line Entertainment issued a statement claiming that this matter was resolved between the band and the company; however, it seems the band members are still in disagreement with the label.
Cr. Allkpop

OP: Moon Young Il ssi, this is the bruise you inflicted to Seunghyunie when you hit him.. In case you forget about it, there are proofs left
Keep in mind the cruel treatment you've done to The Eastlight's kids. Beating them up.... Abusing them... Setting up surveillance around them, etc. Please stop those criminal acts and I wish you start respecting the other party and treat them rightfully

OP: A-ssi, after that Seokcheol..And Seunghyun included you went to hit all of The Easlight's members' heads...Made them go on the floor planking... Left them in that position...Hit them with a stick... Swore at them... Abusing them etc. I'm not only taking legal actions against you, but please keep in mind that I will also going to take civil actions against you...

A: I don't know what you're saying about keeping this and that in mind
OP: You seem to be missing the point, I'm not telling you to keep in mind, but to practice it
A: Ok I understand

OP: The stick on XXX-ssi's picture is the one you used to beat up Seunghyunie, you remember? I think you might've forgotten it, so I'm sending you to remind you
A: Sorry... I don't know what to tell you

(there's a more detailed account in the article of the events, we will translate it if time allows us ;; if you guys have the translation for that part, please paste it below and we will update the post!)

original post: here

1. [+3528, -13]
Aigo this guy is quite shameless~ Why would they spread false information... They haven't even debuted for so long, just how hard has it been on those poor kids to come out and take courage to give a press conference, for them to call this is defamation is just beyond disgustingㅠㅠ

2. [+1846, -12]
Ah look at the way he's crying what to doㅠㅠ  My heart aches for those young kids... How can anyone like that shameless bast*rdㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Ah I'm so mad and sad

3. [+1527, -12]
They were undergoing this horrible treatment at the same time that they were losing their precious dream by living in fear all those years, and no one heard their voices, they were literally helpless. Just thinking about that makes my heart hurt so much.. Those f*ckers only thought about money, they need to receive the judgment for that. How can they put a mic on their throat and make them sing at the same time... I'm so thankful for Seokcheol-gun for taking the courage, it's not too late. It's upsetting to know that he was so worried for the rest of the members and didn't want them to undergo this treatment

4. [+898, -9]
They're such young kids, I'm so hurt to find this out, I'm tearing up. You need to pay for your sin, you're not worry to live

5. [+557, 7]
I guess we all know who will visit the Seoul detention center~


original post: here

1. [+4059, -45]
I worked in the management field about 24 years ago and whenever celebrities or managers make a mistake, it often happens that the director will call them in their office to beat the crap out of them. You don't know what happens in the director's office, but you can hear the walls banging and you can see bruised red faces after, it was just upsetting.. That director at that time was a young gangster, he just gathered a bunch of money and built a company through connections so he was very ignorant.... The celebrities in his company were so pitiful. But it seems like people still trap celebrities like that nowadays too. How can this guy become a PD... I just see him as an horrible person. How can they do this to such young kids

2. [+2956, -18]
They undergone assault and abuse for 4 years, imagine how hard and painful this was... They must be hurting a lot right now, I hope they win... My heart hurts knowing the fact that their dreams were used like that..

3. [+1617, -20]
Please kill off those people by beating them to death

4. [+1609, -30]
He did a good job, I hope that all those painful events disappear from now. How hard must've it been

5. [+1435, -21]
Kim Changhwan is a damn trash, dog trash. I understand why Kim Gunmo, Park Mikyung and Chaeyeonie left

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